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Virginia Housing will be updating servers, software, and equipment on the weekend of February 22-23.
All systems may be unavailable from 2:00 PM on Saturday until 1:00 PM on Sunday.

Payment Standards for Virginia Housing

The voucher payment standards on this page apply to any voucher administered by a Virginia Housing Local Housing Agency.


This schedule does not apply to PHAs that administer a HUD direct HCV Program.

Virginia Housing voucher payment standards (VPS) are 110% of the fair market rents (FMR). The increase will take effect on January 1, 2024.

Housing Choice Voucher Payment Standards

  • Effective 1/1/2024
    Locality 0BR 1BR 2BR 3BR 4BR 5BR 6BR 7BR 8BR
    Accomack County $842 $915 $1,031 $1,423 $1,751 $2,013 $2,275 $2,538 $2,801
    Albemarle County $1,531 $1,556 $1,845 $2,325 $2,868 $3,298 $3,729 $4,159 $4,589
    Alleghany County $823 $828 $995 $1,316 $1,379 $1,586 $1,793 $1,999 $2,206
    Amelia County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Amherst County $1,042 $1,062 $1,202 $1,643 $1,789 $2,058 $2,326 $2,594 $2,863
    Appomattox County $1,042 $1,062 $1,202 $1,643 $1,789 $2,058 $2,326 $2,594 $2,863
    Arlington County $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Augusta County $1,079 $1,085 $1,263 $1,777 $2,114 $2,431 $2,747 $3,064 $3,382
    Bath County $804 $808 $1,003 $1,314 $1,538 $1,768 $1,999 $2,230 $2,461
    Bedford County $1,042 $1,062 $1,202 $1,643 $1,789 $2,058 $2,326 $2,594 $2,863
    Bland County $797 $803 $995 $1,402 $1,526 $1,755 $1,984 $2,213 $2,442
    Botetourt County $892 $983 $1,196 $1,664 $1,936 $2,226 $2,516 $2,807 $3,097
    Brunswick County $797 $803 $995 $1,402 $1,607 $1,848 $2,088 $2,329 $2,570
    Buchanan County $797 $803 $995 $1,293 $1,456 $1,674 $1,893 $2,110 $2,329
    Buckingham County $907 $941 $1,111 $1,369 $1,494 $1,718 $1,942 $2,167 $2,391
    Campbell County $1,042 $1,062 $1,202 $1,643 $1,789 $2,058 $2,326 $2,594 $2,863
    Caroline County $1,040 $1,047 $1,299 $1,830 $2,140 $2,460 $2,781 $3,103 $3,424
    Carroll County $800 $805 $995 $1,393 $1,633 $1,877 $2,123 $2,368 $2,613
    Charles City County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Charlotte County $752 $757 $995 $1,240 $1,526 $1,755 $1,984 $2,213 $2,442
    Chesterfield County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Clarke County $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Craig County $892 $983 $1,196 $1,664 $1,936 $2,226 $2,516 $2,807 $3,097
    Culpeper County $1,048 $1,054 $1,376 $1,769 $2,077 $2,389 $2,700 $3,012 $3,324
    Cumberland County $888 $894 $1,108 $1,340 $1,882 $2,163 $2,446 $2,728 $3,010
    Dickenson County $797 $803 $995 $1,203 $1,526 $1,755 $1,984 $2,213 $2,442
    Dinwiddie County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Essex County $917 $922 $1,145 $1,453 $1,756 $2,019 $2,283 $2,546 $2,810
    Fairfax County $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Fauquier County $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Floyd County $797 $803 $995 $1,333 $1,338 $1,538 $1,740 $1,940 $2,141
    Fluvanna County $1,531 $1,556 $1,845 $2,325 $2,868 $3,298 $3,729 $4,159 $4,589
    Franklin County $759 $849 $995 $1,285 $1,461 $1,680 $1,899 $2,119 $2,338
    Frederick County $1,081 $1,214 $1,529 $1,907 $2,581 $2,968 $3,356 $3,743 $4,130
    Giles County $816 $886 $995 $1,296 $1,369 $1,574 $1,779 $1,985 $2,191
    Gloucester County $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Goochland County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Grayson County $797 $803 $995 $1,400 $1,509 $1,734 $1,961 $2,187 $2,414
    Greene County $1,531 $1,556 $1,845 $2,325 $2,868 $3,298 $3,729 $4,159 $4,589
    Greensville County $805 $810 $1,064 $1,437 $1,581 $1,818 $2,055 $2,293 $2,530
    Halifax County $812 $853 $995 $1,278 $1,349 $1,552 $1,754 $1,956 $2,159
    Hanover County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Henrico County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Henry County $766 $771 $995 $1,210 $1,442 $1,657 $1,874 $2,090 $2,306
    Highland County $804 $808 $1,003 $1,314 $1,538 $1,768 $1,999 $2,230 $2,461
    Isle of Wight County $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    James City County $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    King and Queen County $1,041 $1,070 $1,201 $1,692 $1,878 $2,160 $2,442 $2,723 $3,005
    King George County $1,239 $1,247 $1,540 $2,170 $2,613 $3,005 $3,396 $3,789 $4,181
    King William County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Lancaster County $982 $987 $1,225 $1,515 $1,739 $1,999 $2,260 $2,521 $2,781
    Lee County $812 $852 $995 $1,272 $1,526 $1,755 $1,984 $2,213 $2,442
    Loudoun County $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Louisa County $1,081 $1,111 $1,247 $1,739 $2,116 $2,433 $2,751 $3,067 $3,385
    Lunenburg County $772 $777 $995 $1,348 $1,669 $1,919 $2,170 $2,421 $2,670
    Madison County $864 $871 $1,144 $1,413 $1,678 $1,929 $2,181 $2,433 $2,685
    Mathews County $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Mecklenburg County $765 $771 $1,013 $1,329 $1,349 $1,552 $1,754 $1,956 $2,159
    Middlesex County $999 $1,006 $1,322 $1,598 $2,028 $2,332 $2,636 $2,940 $3,245
    Montgomery County $1,092 $1,098 $1,387 $1,893 $2,354 $2,707 $3,060 $3,413 $3,766
    Nelson County $1,531 $1,556 $1,845 $2,325 $2,868 $3,298 $3,729 $4,159 $4,589
    New Kent County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Northampton County $779 $785 $1,031 $1,453 $1,751 $2,013 $2,275 $2,538 $2,801
    Northumberland County $1,021 $1,028 $1,276 $1,543 $1,956 $2,249 $2,543 $2,836 $3,130
    Nottoway County $785 $790 $1,019 $1,436 $1,683 $1,934 $2,187 $2,439 $2,692
    Orange County $1,043 $1,050 $1,305 $1,742 $2,037 $2,341 $2,647 $2,953 $3,259
    Page County $812 $886 $995 $1,296 $1,689 $1,942 $2,195 $2,449 $2,702
    Patrick County $812 $853 $995 $1,203 $1,526 $1,755 $1,984 $2,213 $2,442
    Pittsylvania County $674 $790 $995 $1,350 $1,488 $1,710 $1,933 $2,157 $2,380
    Powhatan County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Prince Edward County $941 $968 $1,152 $1,393 $1,535 $1,765 $1,995 $2,226 $2,456
    Prince George County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Prince William County $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Pulaski County $816 $886 $995 $1,366 $1,689 $1,942 $2,195 $2,449 $2,702
    Rappahannock County $1,144 $1,175 $1,320 $1,596 $2,239 $2,575 $2,910 $3,247 $3,582
    Richmond County $977 $984 $1,221 $1,476 $2,072 $2,382 $2,693 $3,004 $3,315
    Roanoke County $892 $983 $1,196 $1,664 $1,936 $2,226 $2,516 $2,807 $3,097
    Rockbridge County $849 $926 $1,039 $1,465 $1,612 $1,853 $2,095 $2,337 $2,579
    Rockingham County $1,013 $1,019 $1,323 $1,780 $2,245 $2,581 $2,918 $3,254 $3,591
    Russell County $786 $792 $995 $1,251 $1,422 $1,634 $1,848 $2,061 $2,274
    Scott County $744 $788 $995 $1,296 $1,468 $1,688 $1,908 $2,128 $2,349
    Shenandoah County $829 $932 $1,224 $1,636 $1,643 $1,889 $2,136 $2,382 $2,629
    Smyth County $674 $867 $995 $1,288 $1,689 $1,942 $2,195 $2,449 $2,702
    Southampton County $998 $1,001 $1,158 $1,472 $1,965 $2,260 $2,555 $2,850 $3,144
    Spotsylvania County $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Stafford County $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Surry County $797 $803 $995 $1,402 $1,689 $1,942 $2,195 $2,449 $2,702
    Sussex County $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Tazewell County $752 $757 $995 $1,203 $1,480 $1,701 $1,923 $2,146 $2,368
    Warren County $969 $975 $1,281 $1,679 $2,174 $2,500 $2,827 $3,152 $3,479
    Washington County $744 $788 $995 $1,296 $1,468 $1,688 $1,908 $2,128 $2,349
    Westmoreland County $981 $986 $1,224 $1,724 $1,977 $2,273 $2,570 $2,867 $3,163
    Wise County $803 $807 $995 $1,357 $1,689 $1,942 $2,195 $2,449 $2,702
    Wythe County $759 $764 $1,004 $1,216 $1,703 $1,959 $2,214 $2,470 $2,725
    York County $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Alexandria City $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Bristol City $744 $788 $995 $1,296 $1,468 $1,688 $1,908 $2,128 $2,349
    Buena Vista City $849 $926 $1,039 $1,465 $1,612 $1,853 $2,095 $2,337 $2,579
    Charlottesville City $1,531 $1,556 $1,845 $2,325 $2,868 $3,298 $3,729 $4,159 $4,589
    Chesapeake City $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Colonial Heights City $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Covington City $823 $828 $995 $1,316 $1,379 $1,586 $1,793 $1,999 $2,206
    Danville City $674 $790 $995 $1,350 $1,488 $1,710 $1,933 $2,157 $2,380
    Emporia City $805 $810 $1,064 $1,437 $1,581 $1,818 $2,055 $2,293 $2,530
    Fairfax City $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Falls Church City $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Franklin City $998 $1,001 $1,158 $1,472 $1,965 $2,260 $2,555 $2,850 $3,144
    Fredericksburg City $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Galax City $800 $805 $995 $1,393 $1,633 $1,877 $2,123 $2,368 $2,613
    Hampton City $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Harrisonburg City $1,013 $1,019 $1,323 $1,780 $2,245 $2,581 $2,918 $3,254 $3,591
    Hopewell City $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Lexington City $849 $926 $1,039 $1,465 $1,612 $1,853 $2,095 $2,337 $2,579
    Lynchburg City $1,042 $1,062 $1,202 $1,643 $1,789 $2,058 $2,326 $2,594 $2,863
    Manassas City $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Manassas Park City $1,949 $1,983 $2,249 $2,798 $3,316 $3,813 $4,310 $4,808 $5,306
    Martinsville City $766 $771 $995 $1,210 $1,442 $1,657 $1,874 $2,090 $2,306
    Newport News City $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Norfolk City $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Norton City $803 $807 $995 $1,357 $1,689 $1,942 $2,195 $2,449 $2,702
    Petersburg City $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Poquoson City $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Portsmouth City $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Radford City $1,092 $1,098 $1,387 $1,893 $2,354 $2,707 $3,060 $3,413 $3,766
    Richmond City $1,460 $1,501 $1,685 $2,154 $2,632 $3,026 $3,421 $3,815 $4,210
    Roanoke City $892 $983 $1,196 $1,664 $1,936 $2,226 $2,516 $2,807 $3,097
    Salem City $892 $983 $1,196 $1,664 $1,936 $2,226 $2,516 $2,807 $3,097
    Staunton City $1,079 $1,085 $1,263 $1,777 $2,114 $2,431 $2,747 $3,064 $3,382
    Suffolk City $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Virginia Beach City $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Waynesboro City $1,079 $1,085 $1,263 $1,777 $2,114 $2,431 $2,747 $3,064 $3,382
    Williamsburg City $1,406 $1,415 $1,642 $2,286 $2,785 $3,202 $3,620 $4,038 $4,456
    Winchester City $1,081 $1,214 $1,529 $1,907 $2,581 $2,968 $3,356 $3,743 $4,130

  • Effective 7/1/2022
    Locality 0BR 1BR 2BR 3BR 4BR 5BR 6BR 7BR 8BR
    Accomack County $590 $758 $864 $1,201 $1,368 $1,573 $1,778 $1,983 $2,188
    Albemarle County $1,228 $1,275 $1,516 $1,874 $2,350 $2,702 $3,055 $3,408 $3,760
    Alleghany County $700 $704 $886 $1,096 $1,309 $1,504 $1,701 $1,897 $2,094
    Amelia County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Amherst County $890 $891 $1,035 $1,396 $1,586 $1,824 $2,061 $2,299 $2,538
    Appomattox County $890 $891 $1,035 $1,396 $1,586 $1,824 $2,061 $2,299 $2,538
    Arlington County $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Augusta County $874 $880 $1,100 $1,506 $1,837 $2,112 $2,388 $2,662 $2,938
    Bath County $578 $674 $847 $1,125 $1,252 $1,440 $1,628 $1,815 $2,004
    Bedford County $890 $891 $1,035 $1,396 $1,586 $1,824 $2,061 $2,299 $2,538
    Bland County $574 $670 $842 $1,196 $1,245 $1,431 $1,618 $1,806 $1,992
    Botetourt County $740 $840 $1,054 $1,424 $1,579 $1,815 $2,052 $2,289 $2,526
    Brunswick County $574 $640 $842 $1,081 $1,274 $1,465 $1,656 $1,846 $2,038
    Buchanan County $726 $739 $842 $1,087 $1,142 $1,312 $1,484 $1,656 $1,827
    Buckingham County $609 $757 $862 $1,138 $1,275 $1,466 $1,657 $1,849 $2,040
    Campbell County $890 $891 $1,035 $1,396 $1,586 $1,824 $2,061 $2,299 $2,538
    Caroline County $1,072 $1,101 $1,256 $1,662 $1,987 $2,284 $2,582 $2,881 $3,178
    Carroll County $574 $716 $842 $1,196 $1,245 $1,431 $1,618 $1,806 $1,992
    Charles City County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Charlotte County $574 $670 $842 $1,071 $1,142 $1,312 $1,484 $1,656 $1,827
    Chesterfield County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Clarke County $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Craig County $740 $840 $1,054 $1,424 $1,579 $1,815 $2,052 $2,289 $2,526
    Culpeper County $979 $986 $1,297 $1,712 $2,220 $2,552 $2,886 $3,218 $3,552
    Cumberland County $733 $855 $1,074 $1,327 $1,676 $1,927 $2,179 $2,430 $2,682
    Dickenson County $574 $739 $842 $1,048 $1,305 $1,501 $1,696 $1,892 $2,088
    Dinwiddie County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Essex County $712 $822 $1,044 $1,290 $1,544 $1,776 $2,007 $2,239 $2,470
    Fairfax County $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Fauquier County $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Floyd County $649 $670 $842 $1,196 $1,311 $1,507 $1,704 $1,900 $2,097
    Fluvanna County $1,228 $1,275 $1,516 $1,874 $2,350 $2,702 $3,055 $3,408 $3,760
    Franklin County $691 $722 $950 $1,174 $1,304 $1,500 $1,695 $1,891 $2,086
    Frederick County $1,041 $1,041 $1,340 $1,732 $2,263 $2,601 $2,941 $3,280 $3,620
    Giles County $592 $739 $842 $1,126 $1,198 $1,377 $1,557 $1,737 $1,917
    Gloucester County $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Goochland County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Grayson County $574 $739 $842 $1,155 $1,261 $1,449 $1,639 $1,827 $2,017
    Greene County $1,228 $1,275 $1,516 $1,874 $2,350 $2,702 $3,055 $3,408 $3,760
    Greensville County $626 $697 $916 $1,238 $1,243 $1,429 $1,615 $1,802 $1,988
    Halifax County $574 $640 $842 $1,111 $1,166 $1,340 $1,515 $1,690 $1,866
    Hanover County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Henrico County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Henry County $636 $640 $842 $1,062 $1,200 $1,380 $1,560 $1,740 $1,920
    Highland County $578 $674 $847 $1,125 $1,252 $1,440 $1,628 $1,815 $2,004
    Isle of Wight County $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    James City County $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    King and Queen County $729 $745 $861 $1,232 $1,330 $1,530 $1,729 $1,929 $2,128
    King George County $885 $1,017 $1,297 $1,843 $1,918 $2,205 $2,493 $2,781 $3,069
    King William County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Lancaster County $763 $890 $1,118 $1,382 $1,516 $1,743 $1,971 $2,198 $2,426
    Lee County $574 $739 $842 $1,077 $1,245 $1,431 $1,618 $1,806 $1,992
    Loudoun County $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Louisa County $906 $922 $1,051 $1,467 $1,798 $2,067 $2,337 $2,607 $2,877
    Lunenburg County $574 $739 $842 $1,191 $1,442 $1,658 $1,874 $2,090 $2,307
    Madison County $867 $872 $1,148 $1,419 $1,740 $2,000 $2,262 $2,522 $2,784
    Mathews County $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Mecklenburg County $589 $757 $862 $1,159 $1,206 $1,386 $1,567 $1,748 $1,929
    Middlesex County $745 $868 $1,092 $1,350 $1,615 $1,856 $2,098 $2,341 $2,583
    Montgomery County $891 $961 $1,122 $1,593 $1,920 $2,208 $2,496 $2,784 $3,072
    Nelson County $1,228 $1,275 $1,516 $1,874 $2,350 $2,702 $3,055 $3,408 $3,760
    New Kent County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Northampton County $639 $822 $936 $1,314 $1,392 $1,600 $1,809 $2,018 $2,227
    Northumberland County $705 $822 $1,033 $1,467 $1,528 $1,758 $1,987 $2,216 $2,445
    Nottoway County $619 $795 $906 $1,267 $1,394 $1,603 $1,812 $2,020 $2,230
    Orange County $849 $855 $1,123 $1,501 $1,699 $1,953 $2,208 $2,463 $2,718
    Page County $594 $745 $870 $1,135 $1,489 $1,712 $1,935 $2,158 $2,382
    Patrick County $574 $739 $842 $1,090 $1,245 $1,431 $1,618 $1,806 $1,992
    Pittsylvania County $559 $642 $842 $1,112 $1,248 $1,435 $1,622 $1,809 $1,996
    Powhatan County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Prince Edward County $717 $798 $1,050 $1,298 $1,552 $1,785 $2,018 $2,251 $2,484
    Prince George County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Prince William County $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Pulaski County $708 $739 $842 $1,176 $1,442 $1,658 $1,874 $2,090 $2,307
    Rappahannock County $1,028 $1,034 $1,256 $1,674 $1,903 $2,187 $2,473 $2,758 $3,044
    Richmond County $708 $825 $1,036 $1,281 $1,533 $1,762 $1,993 $2,223 $2,452
    Roanoke County $740 $840 $1,054 $1,424 $1,579 $1,815 $2,052 $2,289 $2,526
    Rockbridge County $624 $792 $914 $1,236 $1,239 $1,424 $1,610 $1,796 $1,982
    Rockingham County $861 $867 $1,141 $1,495 $1,953 $2,246 $2,539 $2,832 $3,124
    Russell County $574 $640 $842 $1,041 $1,142 $1,312 $1,484 $1,656 $1,827
    Scott County $628 $655 $842 $1,104 $1,214 $1,395 $1,578 $1,760 $1,942
    Shenandoah County $660 $762 $993 $1,411 $1,509 $1,735 $1,962 $2,188 $2,414
    Smyth County $559 $705 $842 $1,086 $1,416 $1,628 $1,840 $2,053 $2,265
    Southampton County $843 $861 $1,011 $1,353 $1,731 $1,990 $2,250 $2,510 $2,769
    Spotsylvania County $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Stafford County $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Surry County $574 $670 $842 $1,196 $1,442 $1,658 $1,874 $2,090 $2,307
    Sussex County $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Tazewell County $574 $648 $842 $1,041 $1,255 $1,442 $1,630 $1,819 $2,007
    Warren County $822 $940 $1,237 $1,638 $2,118 $2,434 $2,752 $3,070 $3,388
    Washington County $628 $655 $842 $1,104 $1,214 $1,395 $1,578 $1,760 $1,942
    Westmoreland County $718 $800 $1,052 $1,495 $1,784 $2,052 $2,319 $2,587 $2,854
    Wise County $574 $688 $842 $1,129 $1,142 $1,312 $1,484 $1,656 $1,827
    Wythe County $583 $656 $854 $1,056 $1,462 $1,681 $1,900 $2,120 $2,340
    York County $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Alexandria City $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Bristol City $628 $655 $842 $1,104 $1,214 $1,395 $1,578 $1,760 $1,942
    Buena Vista City $624 $792 $914 $1,236 $1,239 $1,424 $1,610 $1,796 $1,982
    Charlottesville City $1,228 $1,275 $1,516 $1,874 $2,350 $2,702 $3,055 $3,408 $3,760
    Chesapeake City $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Colonial Heights City $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Covington City $700 $704 $886 $1,096 $1,309 $1,504 $1,701 $1,897 $2,094
    Danville City $559 $642 $842 $1,112 $1,248 $1,435 $1,622 $1,809 $1,996
    Emporia City $626 $697 $916 $1,238 $1,243 $1,429 $1,615 $1,802 $1,988
    Fairfax City $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Falls Church City $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Franklin City $843 $861 $1,011 $1,353 $1,731 $1,990 $2,250 $2,510 $2,769
    Fredericksburg City $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Galax City $574 $716 $842 $1,196 $1,245 $1,431 $1,618 $1,806 $1,992
    Hampton City $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Harrisonburg City $861 $867 $1,141 $1,495 $1,953 $2,246 $2,539 $2,832 $3,124
    Hopewell City $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Lexington City $624 $792 $914 $1,236 $1,239 $1,424 $1,610 $1,796 $1,982
    Lynchburg City $890 $891 $1,035 $1,396 $1,586 $1,824 $2,061 $2,299 $2,538
    Manassas City $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Manassas Park City $1,846 $1,880 $2,142 $2,712 $3,255 $3,742 $4,231 $4,719 $5,208
    Martinsville City $636 $640 $842 $1,062 $1,200 $1,380 $1,560 $1,740 $1,920
    Newport News City $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Norfolk City $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Norton City $574 $688 $842 $1,129 $1,142 $1,312 $1,484 $1,656 $1,827
    Petersburg City $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Poquoson City $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Portsmouth City $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Radford City $891 $961 $1,122 $1,593 $1,920 $2,208 $2,496 $2,784 $3,072
    Richmond City $1,226 $1,252 $1,426 $1,867 $2,236 $2,571 $2,907 $3,242 $3,578
    Roanoke City $740 $840 $1,054 $1,424 $1,579 $1,815 $2,052 $2,289 $2,526
    Salem City $740 $840 $1,054 $1,424 $1,579 $1,815 $2,052 $2,289 $2,526
    Staunton City $874 $880 $1,100 $1,506 $1,837 $2,112 $2,388 $2,662 $2,938
    Suffolk City $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Virginia Beach City $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Waynesboro City $874 $880 $1,100 $1,506 $1,837 $2,112 $2,388 $2,662 $2,938
    Williamsburg City $1,191 $1,218 $1,431 $2,011 $2,450 $2,817 $3,184 $3,552 $3,920
    Winchester City $1,041 $1,041 $1,340 $1,732 $2,263 $2,601 $2,941 $3,280 $3,620