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Virginia Housing will be updating servers, software, and equipment on the weekend of March 22-23.
All systems may be unavailable from 2:00 PM on Saturday until 1:00 PM on Sunday.

Housing Choice Voucher Program Requirements


The Housing Choice Voucher program is beneficial to both landlords and tenants. It fosters community, provides affordable housing and financial benefits. Tenants and landlords must meet certain requirements.


For Landlords

As part of your participation in the program, you are required to:


  • Enforce and comply with the lease. Check out our lease-up video.
  • Comply with terms of the Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) contract.
  • Maintain units in accordance with HUD’s Housing Quality Standards (HQS). HQS are HUD’s inspection requirements.
  • Make an appointment with the local agency to inspect the property using the Inspection Checklist (Form HUD-52580A).

  • Discuss the unit’s condition so it can be approved for occupancy.
  • The unit must meet HQS prior to initial lease-up, and then annually. HAP is abated if the landlord fails to make required corrections within the required timeframe.

For Tenants

To participate in the program, at least one applicant must be a U.S. citizen or have eligible immigration status. Permanent ineligibility applies if any household member is a registered sex offender or convicted of manufacturing methamphetamine on the premises.

Tenants who hold vouchers must:


  • Be re-certified at least annually.
  • Abide by the lease.
  • Report any changes in household income or number occupants.
  • Provide truthful information.
  • Not engage in illegal drugs and/or violent criminal activity.
  • Permit the program to conduct necessary unit inspections.


Portability allows tenants receiving rental assistance to move from one jurisdiction to another; however, the rent subsidy may change depending on the new housing agency’s voucher payment standard. The receiving agency has the right to terminate assistance if the family violates a program obligation.


Understanding the Waiting List

Each HCV program agency maintains its own waiting list and announces when they will begin taking applications. Applicants are placed on the waiting list based on local preferences and date and time of application.


For more information on HCV program waiting lists and agencies, see below:

HCV program agencies