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Virginia Housing will be updating servers, software, and equipment on the weekend of March 22-23.
All systems may be unavailable from 2:00 PM on Saturday until 1:00 PM on Sunday.

Change of Business Relationship


As an owner of a Virginia Housing property, it is important to notify us of any changes relating to ownership, ownership structure, or the management agent. There are many variables that may affect this process, such as the type of change(s) and the financing on the property. The strength of the new ownership and its principles, the management of the property, and any future plans will all be considered for approval. Additional information may be requested.

To begin the change process, please complete the Request for Change in Ownership and/or Management Agent form below.

Once complete, send the form and any questions to Owner-MgmtChange@VirginiaHousing.com 30 days prior to initiating a change.