Rental Housing Compliance
Our Compliance regional teams monitor a property’s occupancy requirements under the federal Housing Tax Credit Program, Tax Exempt Bonds, HUD regulations and Virginia Housing specific requirements. This includes a review of property records and the physical condition of all monitored properties.
We strongly encourage owners to review all documentation such as Internal Revenue Code Section 42 and Section 142, the Extended Use Agreement (EUA), Loan Agreement and any other statutory and regulatory requirements for their property.
Average Income Test (AIT) Written and Video Guidance
Virginia Housing will monitor the AIT according to the IRS Average Income Test Final Rule, property-specific occupancy requirements in the Extended Use Agreement, Regulatory Agreement, and IRS 8609 form. Virginia Housing may amend its AIT written guidance to conform with the regulations and IRS guidance or as may otherwise be appropriate, as determined by Virginia Housing.
Noncompliance discovered and corrected before receiving notice of a Virginia Housing compliance monitoring audit is not reportable to the IRS and shows due diligence in managing the program requirements.
- Rental Loan Forms and Documents
- Federal Housing Credit Program Compliance Forms and Guidelines
See our Compliance Forms and Documents page to view:
Additional Tools and Resources
Online Tenant Portal - Procorem
In 2024, Virginia Housing transitioned our online Tenant Portal to a new vendor, Procorem.
Property managers must regularly update and maintain accurate and complete tenant information in the online Tenant Portal for all occupied units, including low, moderate, and market households. Certification updates include move-in, move-out, unit transfer, required annual income recertifications, and change in unit designation.
Virginia Housing relies on the project and tenant data in the online Tenant Portal to review and confirm program requirements for audits, to assist properties, and for required annual Agency program reporting of occupancy and compliance requirements for our rental portfolio.
We appreciate your cooperation and our continued partnership in meeting the shared mission of providing affordable housing throughout Virginia.
To access the Procorem online Tenant Portal, complete and submit the required access form located within the property’s Procorem Work Center or email the Tenant Portal Admin at Include your property name, VHDA #, and Procorem Access Request in the email subject line.
Training Replays-
Tenant Portal Basics 2/29/24
Procorem Training Video 1/25/24
- 0:00 - 01 Introduction
- 13:24 - 02 Invitation to Procorem
- 17:50 - 03 Accessing the Tenant Portal
- 22:40 - 04 Tenant Events in the Tenant Portal
- 27:00 - 05 Updating AIT Designations in the Tenant Portal
- 48:00 - AIT Information in Procorem Help Center
- 50:10 - 06 How to Import Tenant Events via XML
- 1:30:40 - 07 How to Manually Add Tenant Events
- 1:44:50 - 08 How to Validate and Submit Tenant Events
- 1:47:25 - Procorem Help
Procorem Online Training Resources
Procorem and their parent company ProLink Solutions create a new training video annually. See below for links and timestamps of the current versions.
Short VersionsProcorem maintains online help documentation for the Tenant Portal and updates it as changes occur. You can access this page from the Help link on the Compliance Period landing page.
Or, you can use the direct link to Procorem Tenant Portal Online Help. -
Compliance Monitoring and Annual Reporting
Important Year-End Reporting Dates to Remember:
Date 2024 Year-end reporting Activity December 4, 2024 Compliance Monitoring Fee Invoices are sent January 7, 2025 Annual Owner's Certifications are sent March 1, 2025 Compliance Monitoring Fee Invoices & Annual Owner's Certifications are due March 2, 2025 Compliance Monitoring Late Fees are assessed March 31, 2025 Evaluate, correct errors, and submit Tenant Certifications
All Tax Credit compliance monitoring fees and annual reports are due by March 1, 2025.
Immediately report all changes and anticipated changes in contacts (property ownership, management agent, on-site property staff) to your assigned Compliance Officer so we may update our records.
Tax Credit Compliance Monitoring Fees
Annual compliance monitoring fee invoices were sent to each property from “”, on December 4, 2024, with the calculated compliance monitoring fees. Check your spam folder if you do not receive your invoice.Tax Credit properties with all buildings placed in service as of December 31, 2024, must pay annual compliance monitoring fees.
- Do not pay the compliance monitoring fee payment until the invoice has been received.
- Pay the total fee amount on the invoice, including past-due balances.
- Pay the invoiced compliance fees using the Rental Housing Invoice Portal.
- Ownership/Management entity in place as of December 31, 2024, is responsible for the assessed fees.
Tax Credit properties that have not placed all buildings in service by December 31, 2024 are not required to pay compliance monitoring fees.
Late fees will be assessed starting March 2, 2025.
Any outstanding invoices will be assessed a late fee per the following schedule.
The greater of:
- $100 or 10% of the total monitoring fee if paid 3/2/2025 through 3/31/2025.
- $200 or 15% of the total monitoring fee if paid 4/1/2025 through 4/30/2025.
- $300 or 20% of the total monitoring fee if paid 5/1/2025 or later.
Electronic Invoice Payment Portal
We strongly encourage electronic payment of all fees, where possible, as this will help reduce processing time.
The Rental Housing Invoice Portal is used to collect compliance monitoring fees. The payment portal provides options to set up a free, one-time direct draft from a banking account or charge to a credit card (for an additional 3% transaction fee). Virginia Housing uses a banking provider; no account information will be stored after the transaction is complete. The payment portal can accept invoices for multiple projects in one transaction and provides an immediate email confirmation.
To access the Rental Housing Invoice Payment Portal, scroll to the top of this webpage, click "Login" in the top right corner, and select "Rental Housing Invoice Portal." Review the Rental Housing Invoice Portal Instructions or watch the Rental Housing Invoice Portal Tutorial video for guidance.
Tax Credit Annual Owner Certification
On January 7, 2025, the Project Information Report (PIR) and the annual Owner’s Certification report will be distributed to the property's owner and management contacts. The reports will be sent from the Virginia Housing regional email accounts using Adobe Sign. Review the instructions in the Annual Tax Credit Reporting User Instructions for guidance.
Please complete the Request for Change in Ownership and/or Management Agent to immediately report any changes.
Contact your regional team with questions. See the Compliance & Asset Management Regional Team Map for your assigned region and contact information.
*Revised* Average Income Test (AIT) Annual ReportingTax Credit properties with Average Income where all buildings are placed in service by December 31, 2024, must satisfy the annual reporting requirement by confirming the following in the online Tenant Portal:
- Unit Designation Changes,
- the Qualified Group of Units for the AIT ("AIT QGU"),
- the Qualified Group of Units for the Applicable Fraction (“Applicable Fraction QGU”), and
- Excluded Units.
For guidance on the AIT annual reporting requirements, review the following:
- AIT Written Guidance and
- Procorem Tenant Portal AIT guidance on the Compliance Monitoring web page, under the Online Tenant Portal – Procorem section.
- AIT guidance videos
- AIT video #1 provides an introduction to the Average Income Test, and
- AIT video #2 provides guidance for meeting AIT requirements.
State-Required Decontrol Period Owner's Certification Report
Tax credit properties in the Extended Use Agreement-required three-year Decontrol Period must complete an Owner Certification report. All Decontrol projects have been notified in writing of their Decontrol start and end date. Contact your assigned Compliance Officer if you have questions about your project’s Decontrol status.
The Owner Certification report will be sent to the owner and management agent from Virginia Housing regional email accounts using Adobe Sign. The annual report certifies compliance with the tenant protections for existing tenants.
Alternative Monitoring Annual Compliance Report
(formerly known as ES-01)The Alternative Monitoring Annual Compliance Report will be sent from Virginia Housing regional email accounts using Adobe Sign. The report will be sent to the primary owner contact of properties financed by Virginia Housing. Property owners are required to certify tenant eligibility as determined by Virginia Housing’s regulatory documents.
Reports are due by March 1, 2025.
*NEW* Virginia Housing Financed Annual Owner CertificationAll properties financed by Virginia Housing that do not have tax credits must complete the Virginia Housing Financed Annual Owner Certification report to certify tenant eligibility as determined by Virginia Housing’s regulatory documents. The report will be sent to the owner contact on January 31, 2025, from Virginia Housing regional email accounts using Adobe Sign.
Reports are due by April 1, 2025.
Procorem Online Tenant Portal – Required Validation and Submission of Tenant Events for the 2024 Program Compliance Year
By March 31, 2025:
- Evaluate all property unit information, including market units and tenant events for all low- and moderate-income units.
- Correct all errors, and then,
- Submit the 2024 Procorem compliance year tenant events.
Procorem training resources are available on the Compliance Monitoring web page, under the Online Tenant Portal – Procorem section.
On April 1, 2025, the 2024 Procorem compliance year and tenant events will be closed.
Email property-specific questions to your assigned Compliance Officer or email program-related questions to Include your property name and details in the subject line of the email.
Target Population Leasing Preference
Through the Housing Credits Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP), Virginia Housing partners with Referring Agents to provide a leasing preference within the Virginia Housing Portfolio to persons with disabilities, known as the Target Population. The Referring Agent determines eligibility of the Target Population and refers them to properties in our portfolio.
Properties with the Target Population leasing preference are required to complete the training course annually in the Virginia Housing Partner Portal Learning Management System to learn how to manage the leasing preference requirements in Tax Credit properties. The Target Population Leasing Preference Overview course will cover the Memorandum of Understanding first leasing preference, compliance monitoring for the leasing preference, and the partnership between Virginia Housing, the approved Referring Agents, and property management professionals. Review the Virginia Housing Partner Portal User Guide for instructions on how to create an account, log in, and enroll in the Target Population Leasing Preference Overview course.
For more information about property requirements, refer to the Target Population Leasing Preference Guidance and the documents linked below.
Utility Allowance
Housing Credit property owners must include the cost of all resident-paid utilities, excluding phone, cable TV and internet, in the gross rent charged to residents. To do this, owners must obtain a utility cost allowance for Housing Credit units. The utility allowance must be deducted from the applicable Maximum Tax Credit Rent Limit to determine the maximum rent that can be paid by a resident.
External Training Resources
A.J. Johnson Consulting
Costello Compliance
605-336-9131 ext. 134
Elizabeth Moreland
Fair Housing Institute
Karen A. Graham Consulting
Liz Bramlet Consulting, LLC
Mid-Atlantic Affordable Housing Management Association (AHMA)
Nan McKay & Associates
National Center for Housing Management (NCHM)
Novogradac & Company LLP
Preferred Compliance Solutions
Quadel Consulting
Ross Business Development
Spectrum Seminars
U.S. Inspection Group
US Housing Consultants
Zeffert & Associates
If you have any questions, please contact your assigned Compliance Officer or email: